Helium allows you to easily switch between multiple databases (libraries) and even different types of databases.
Helium comes with support for the following database types
- SQLite - this is the default and only available database type in the free version of Helium. This database is not recommended for larger libraries due to performance limitations.
- Sql Server (Express)
- MySql/MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
For larger collections we generally recommend MySql/MariaDb or PostgreSQL databases for the best browsing performance.
To create, open and manage datbases in Helium, use the FILE > Library management tool.
The tool is divided into tabs, based on database type.
The topmost buttons allows you to:
- New - Creates a new database of the active type
- Open - Open an existing database of the active type
- Import - Import an existing database of any of the supported types into your active database. Please note that your active database needs to be empty to be able to perform an import.
- Optimize active database - Performs housekeeping and repair functions on your active database. Use this option only if you suspect that something may be wrong with your database.
The list below the buttons will display recently used databases of the active type. Double click an entry in the list to activate it.
Image cache folder
You can control which cache folder that should be used for each database. This is useful if you for example switch between several databases and would avoid that the image cache is regenerated after each change.
The image cache folder will be stored in the database itself.
Settings when opening or creating different databases
When you need to create or open a database different than SQLite, you will need to enter additional settings which differs by database type:
- Instance name - the name unique to your SQLServer instance, set during installation of SQLSever. You can find this name via SQL Server Management Studio and/or command line tools installed with SQLServer.
- Authentication - also set during installation, available options are Windows authentication, in short use your Windows account for login or SQL authentication which will require you to enter a username and password set during the installation of SQLServer.
- MySQL/MariaDb server - this is the address your the MySql/MariaDB service runs on. Set during installation of MySql/MariaDB. For local installations this is generally localhost, but for remote servers it can be an ip address or such.
- Username - your username to access your MySQL/MariaDB installation, set whilst installing MySQL/MariaDB.
- Password - your password to access your MySQL/MariaDB installation, set whilst installing MySQL/MariaDB.
- Port - the port your MySQL/MariaDB service is running on. Set during the installation, the default value is 3306.
- Postgre host address - the address your PostgreSQL service runs on. Set during the installation of PostgreSQL. For local installations this is generally localhost, but for remote servers it can be an ip address or such.
- Username - your username to access your PostgreSQL installation, set whilst installing PostgreSQL.
- Password - your password to access your PostgreSQL installation, set whilst installing PostgreSQL.
- Port - the port your PostgreSQL service is running on. Set during the installation, the default value is 5432.