The Action Manager enables you to perform several tasks at once on your files using templates.
You create templates with the built-in template editor, which you are able to reuse afterwards with a single mouse-click.
There are several actions that can be performed in each template.
Using the Action Manager
To create a new template follow the steps below:
- Click on Tools > Action Manager... from the main menu.
- Click the Add button to add a new action.
- Select the desired action from list in the dialog that is shown after you clicked the Add button. The available actions are described below.
- Depending on the selected action, different options may need to be selected/changed. These are also described in detail below.
- When you have selected your action and possible properties, click OK.
- The action you just selected will now be visible in the list.
Repeat steps 2 - 5 above to create multiple actions.
To edit an existing action in the list, click the Edit button. The editing steps are similar to steps 3 - 5 above.
To remove an existing action from the list, select the action you want to remove and click the Remove button.
To remove all actions from the list, click the Clear button.
To change the order of a specific action, select the action and then click either the Up arrow or Down arrow buttons.
To load a previously created template, click the Load button.
To save the current template, click the Save button.
When you have created your template, click the Run button to perform the selected actions on the selected files.
Available actions
The following actions are available:
- Add/Modify field will change the value of an existing tag field or add this field if it previously did not exist in the tag.
Select the tag field you would like to add/change from the Field list and enter the value it should be set to in the Content text field. - Remove field removes a specific tag field from the tag.
Select the tag field that you want to be removed from the Field list. - Remove tag will remove all the tags of a specific type from the file.
Select the type of tags you you want to be remove by selecting the appropriate radio button. - Remove all tags will remove all tags (no matter what tag type they are in) from the selected file.
- Format texts using capitalizer will format all text based content tag fields in the tag using the Word/Text Replacer rules defined in Helium.
- Switch fields will switch the contents in the two selected tag fields.
Select the two tag fields you want to switch from the 'Switch' and 'With' Field lists. - Copy field will copy the contents from one tag field to another.
Select the source and the target fields from the Copy and To lists. - Calculate BPM will calculate the BPM for the selected file and write the resulting value to the tag.
- Calculate AcoustID will calculate the digital fingerprint (AcoustID) for the selected files and store the information on the files tags
- Append to field will append information to an existing field.
There are two options available for this action:
Prefix will add the specified text before the current content
Suffix will add the specified text after the current content - Replace text in field will replace specific text in the specified field.
There are three options available for this action:
Replace defines the text content that will be replaced
With defines the new text content that will replace the "replace" match
Case sensitive defines if the match should be case sensitive or not - Capitalize field will allow you to format the text in a specific field using the text formatting mode form the mode drop-down
The actions which allows text editing contains a button with the caption Codes.
Pressing this button will allow you to inject a variable into the actions generated result which will insert a value from the current files tags.
For example, if you select Title from the codes menu, the value {{title}} will be inserted into text control and when the action is executed, this variable will be replaced with the value of the current fiiles title tag value.
For more information about the available codes, click this link.