The Audio analyzer in Helium is used for checking the quality of your MP3 and FLAC files. It can then be used to repair broken MP3 files.
Using the Audio analyzer
Select the files that you would like to analyze from the track list and start the Audio analyzer by clicking Tools > Analyse files...
The Audio analyzer will automatically scan all selected files on start-up. When the analysis is done, the selected tracks will be grouped in two groups, Files without errors and Files with errors (if any).
Select a file in the list to see in detail information about the file, error information (if any) and bitrate distribution.
FLAC files will only show information about the actual error found (if any)
Correcting errors
For files that have been identified as having errors, you can fix these errors by clicking the one of the buttons that shows up in the details pane, depending on which errors that were found.
Helium will now automatically try to repair your files.
During this process, Helium will always create a backup copy of the original file before it is trying to repair the file.