The Auto queue feature in Helium is able to define how the replaying of songs from the Play Queue works. It's possible to automatically enqueue new tracks at the end of the Play Queue to ensure that your music keeps playing.

Using the Auto queue function

The Auto queue function is by default set to Stop when the Play Queue reaches the end. Show the Auto queue configuration dialog using any of the methods below:

  • Right-click the Auto queue button in the player and select Auto queue options...
  • Click Tools > Auto queue options...

Available queuing options

  • Auto queue enabled controls whether Auto queue is active or inactive.
  • Add random album
    This will keep adding a random album to the end of Play Queue, based on the filter criteria set in the Options box.
  • Add random tracks from same artist
    This will keep adding a random tracks to the end of Play Queue, from the same artist as the artist of the last track in the Play Queue.
  • Add random tracks from same genre
    This will keep adding a random tracks to the end of Play Queue, with the same genre as the genre of the last track in the Play Queue. 
  • Add random tracks from same year
    This will keep adding a random tracks to the end of Play Queue, with the same year as the year of the last track in the Play Queue. 
  • Add random tracks
    This will keep adding adding random tracks to the end of the Play Queue, based on the filter criteria set in the Options box.
  • Add similar tracks
    This will keep adding similar tracks to the currently played track based on various algorithms in Helium.
  • Add tracks from Smart Playlist
    This will add tracks from a Smart Playlist to the end of the Play Queue.
    Click the Browse... button to load a previously saved Smart Playlist. Smart Playlists can be created from the Playlist view.

When using any of the options above that automatically queue tracks to the Play Queue (that is all options except Stop and Repeat) there are two additional options available:

Several of the modes can have optional filter arguments, controlled from the controls under the Options block.

Automatically maintain at least [x] upcoming tracks in Play Queue

This option ensures that the number of tracks specified in the [x] spin edit will always be placed ahead of the currently playing song. Each time a new song is played, the Play Queue will be reviewed to see if more tracks need to be added to the end of the list.

Automatically retain at most [x] previous tracks in the Play Queue

This option removes previously played tracks from the Play Queue to keep a clean Play Queue. You can select from the following options in the drop down list:

0 - this will remove all previously played tracks from the Play Queue.

1 - this will retain one previous track in the Play Queue.

2 - this will retain two previous tracks in the Play Queue.

3 - this will retain three previous tracks in the Play Queue.

5 - this will retain five previous tracks in the Play Queue.

10 - this will retain 10 previous tracks in the Play Queue.

25 - this will retain 25 previous tracks in the Play Queue.

50 - this will retain 50 previous tracks in the Play Queue.

100 - this will retain 100 previous tracks in the Play Queue.

All - this will keep all previous tracks in the Play Queue.