This tool offers an easy way to manage and download artist pictures for multiple artists at once.

Start the tool from Tools > Pictures > Artist Picture Manager.

When the tool starts, it will display a simplified version of the Music Explorer's tree on the left, and on the right, it will display artists.

Browse through the items on the left side to find the albums you would like to work with. When the selection changes, the corresponding artists will be presented on the right.

Depending on the items in your current view when you started the tool, those albums will be available under the Selected Artists node.

The Topmost Toolbar Contains the Following Elements:

Download: Click this button to download album pictures for the selected artists.

Select: Click this button to select all artists, no artists, or artists without pictures.

Tools: Access specific tools described further below.

Filter: Use this to filter out artists in the right pane.

Changing Pictures Manually

If you hover over an artist, you can use the overlay icons to:

  • Load an image from a folder.
  • Download an image using plug-ins or scripts.
  • Paste an artist picture from the clipboard.
  • View the original source.
  • Remove the picture

Downloading Multiple Artist Pictures

It's possible to download artist images for all selected artists by clicking the Download button.

An artistis selected when its top-left checkbox is checkmarked.

Images will be downloaded using active plug-ins and scripts. When an artist image is being downloaded, a progress overlay will be shown for the artist.

When pictures have been downloaded, an artist can have zero or more matches. To browse through the results, use the small arrow icons shown when you hover over the artist.

Saving Changes

When you have adjusted your artist images, either via multiple downloads or manual management, click the Save button to apply the changes.


Under the Tools button, the following options are available:

Load from folders

Use this function to select a folder with images. During the process, Helium will try to map a found image file by filename and connect it to any of the selected artists. This is the same process used when adding files to Helium's database.

Load from tags

Use this function to load artist pictures for the selected artists from tags.

Save artist pictures to tags

Use this function to save the selected artists' images to tags.