You can easily scan certain folders in your library for:

  • Files that have been added
  • Files that have been modified with an external tool (tag changes)
  • Files that have been deleted/renamed/moved.

This is what the Update library tool from FILE > Update library... menu will do.

When the tool is started you will see a tree of folders that will be scanned for changes.
Only the selected folders will be scanned for changes.

Select the Remove unavailable files option to let Helium automatically remove files not found during the update process.
Select the Force synchronization of all files option to force all files to be updated. If not selected, only changed files will be updated which is the default and prefered way. Please note that selecting this checkbox will make the update operation slower.
Select the Remove unavailable root paths option to automatically remove root folders that no longer contains any files, after the update process is completed.

The Selected volume will be used to automatically assign newly added tracks, not updated tracks, to the specific volume.

Click here to read more about Collections/volume.

If any new files are found during the update process, the tool will automatically add these files after the update operation is completed.