The artist details view is shown if you double click an artist.

The top section contains summarized information about the artist:

  • The total number of tracks from the artist
  • Artist name
  • Country
  • Formed/Disbanded year
  • A list of all unique genres the artist has tracks from
  • Is favourite control (it is possible to toggle the state by clicking this control)
  • Rating

Click the on of the buttons to browse related artist to the current artist.

Artist relations are created by editing artist information.

It is possible to collapse the summary area by clicking the icon to the left of the cog-icon in the top right corner.

Below the summary a tab control is shown with the following tabs:

  • Discography
    Displays thumbnails in a grid grouped by release type of all the releases from the artist
  • Appearances
    Displays thumbnails in a grid grouped by release type of all the releases the artist has tracks on
  • All tracks
    Displays a tracklist with all tracks from the artist
  • Biography
    Displays the artists biography (if any). Edit the biography by using the Edit artist tool, available from the context-menu on the artist image in the summary
  • Statistics
    Displays various playing statistics from the artist (if any)

It is possible to configure the background for each artist  by clicking the cog icon.