Frequently asked questions for Helium Streamer

Helium Streamer status label doesn't say "Running"
If you have just installed the Helium Streamer it might not have had the time to start yet. Please close and restart the Helium Streamer Launcher.   If ...
Sun, 20 Oct, 2019 at 2:29 PM
Accessing Helium Streamer locally, over the Internet and through the apps for iOS and Android
The Helium Streamer can be accessed from any computer on your private network or over the Internet, granted that there is no hardware or software firewall ...
Wed, 18 Aug, 2021 at 4:12 PM
Open port in router says "Error opening port"
This error message means that Helium Streamer Launcher was unable to either find your router, or to open the specified port. The launcher depends on the r...
Sun, 16 Oct, 2016 at 1:34 PM
Which audio formats does Helium Streamer support?
It natively supports MP3, WMA and M4A files. Helium Streamer uses HTML5 audio playback by default, if the browser supports it. If the brows...
Sun, 16 Oct, 2016 at 1:36 PM
How can Helium Streamer play files located on a network share?
Yes, this is possible, but sometimes it will require some changes in your setup. Please make sure you read the two important points below and have ma...
Sun, 31 Oct, 2021 at 6:10 PM
How do I setup Helium Streamer with a Microsoft SQL Server database?
Please follow the steps below to connect to a SQL Server database. Install SQL Server Express using the instructions found on the Installing SQL Serve...
Sun, 31 Oct, 2021 at 6:08 PM
I can't find a solution to my problem
If you have a problem that you cannot find a solution for in any of our support pages you can always submit a support ticket. We're happy to help. P...
Sun, 20 Oct, 2019 at 2:27 PM
Using the Streamer app
The first time you will start the Streamer app on your Android or iOS device you will need to enter the port and address to your Streamer instance, running ...
Sun, 8 Jan, 2023 at 11:43 AM